Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Long Time, No...Write

It's been a while. It's been a crazy month. I don't think I've written at all about my gallbladder issues that started up in November of last year. We don't have insurance. And I wasn't thrilled about losing an organ. So I tried to heal my gallbladder the natural way. We found out about a month ago through an emergency out-of-state trip to the ER, that it wasn't working. A gallstone had made its way into my bile duct and was making me very, very sick. I ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days in North Carolina to have my gallbladder removed.

So the last few weeks have been about healing. And I am feeling so much better.

We still have not closed on our house. It has been a roller coaster of enormous magnitude getting this thing done. One of the most stressful things of my life. But, our final (I am almost certain) close date is scheduled in five days, and I think the we're going to make it this time. WITH the bank. Miracle of miracles.

Malachi is ginormous. He is growing really fast the last few weeks on lots of donor milk. My milk supply took a major hit in the days surrounding my surgery and I was afraid that our nursing days were over. BUT, this little boy loves to nurse, and he wouldn't give up, even when he wasn't getting much. He helped bring back supply and we are now back to about the level we were for several months before I was sick. Still using donor milk, but in much smaller quantities.

So that's the big news around these parts. Oh, and, there is a new frozen yogurt place downtown called Frogurt. It is awesome. Let's just say its a good thing its low fat because I've been eating a lot of it lately. You need to go. Seriously. Go. I'll be here when you get back.


  1. Welcome back! And, I'm so glad Frogurt is open. I've been waiting anxiously!

  2. malachi looks a little like sean in the blog pic.... so cute

  3. He really has grown and chubbed up since the fall! All that hard work paid off, Sandra. Still just as cute as can be.
